Monday, April 11, 2011


how are you?

welcome to mouse-made news! glad you could be here. this will be/is now the place to come see what new projects the mouse has going on, what's for sale, where to buy it, events, shows, and etc, etc.

a note on grammar and pronouns:

article I, pronouns:
the artist Jess Snyder will, on this blog for convenience's sake, here-to-fore be referred to as "the mouse." please do not be confused if the term "we" pops up here and there as well. the mouse hand makes all items by herself unless otherwise noted, though she has and will be known to speak in third person and use the "royal we."
article II, grammar:
we don't believe in capitalizing unless we deem the word or name worthy of a larger letter. we will not be stifled by patriarchal grammar structures. we re-claim these letter shapes. we believe in aesthetics, lower-case, and little things.

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